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GMOs Are Invading Our Food Supply: What Organic Shoppers Need to Know

Updated: Jul 24

I want to address the topic of reversing biological age by suggesting that people start paying closer attention to the ingredients in the products they buy. Specifically, it's important to avoid products containing ingredients produced by genetically modified organisms. I hadn't considered this until five years ago when I went grocery shopping with my friend Ulrike in Berlin. She meticulously read the ingredients of every product she considered buying, a practice that I now see as strategic for maintaining a well-preserved and beautiful body.

Because whatever you introduce into your body has an impact on your body shape, beauty, overall health, gene expression and consciousness. It becomes your cells' environment and influences your gene activity. Toxins promote incorrect gene expression, leading to deterioration and aging disease. They stick to the histones of the DNA, turning ON genes that should be OFF and vice versa, promoting incorrect cellular division.

Most lawsuits Monsanto lost are related to the development of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), a type of cancer that affects the immune system, specifically the lymphatic system, characterized by the abnormal growth and proliferation of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Abnormal growth is only related to cellular division; cells cannot divide properly, so it is having an impact on gene expression. On the other hand, it is affecting the immune system.

What can have a very detrimental effect on your organism in the long term, and due to the reduction of SIRTUIN activity when you get older, GMOs are especially harmful for those over 50. So in the next text, I am going to get deep about all this and for those interested in avoiding consuming GMOs, I am going to talk about how to recognize the products that could contain them to you be able to avoid them if you are reversing your biological age.

The following topics will be covered in this article:

Toxins in Your Body: A Major Factor in Aging

In Germany, I've seen a lot of elderly with aging disease, which is a body so atrophied that it becomes dysfunctional. This condition is mainly due to three reasons. The first one is what people are introducing into their bodies, including most chemical health products used in the health system. This is why, as a biohacker, I use only natural remedies and recommend using them, which are superior to the chemical health products most commonly used.

I suffered from acne 20 years ago, and no doctor was able to help me; many professionals only know superficial solutions, like creams and antibiotics, that destroy the microbiome where more than 70% of my immune system resides, leading to weakness against external invaders or cancer because a low immune system can cause cancer. The immune system remove cancer cells almost every week. No one told me I didn't have acne because of my parents, but because of a reaction to what I was introducing into my body through my diet.

Similarly, many people think they are getting old when they see their bodies deteriorated in the mirror. Obesity, baldness, cellulite, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions are reactions to what people are introducing into their bodies. However, individuals, including myself when I had acne, typically assume that these issues are simply a part of who we are, without considering that their body shape or health condition is the result of what they are introducing into their bodies. Many never try to find out what is causing the problem but mostly offer a product solution to stop the symptom, the reaction. Very often toxic remedies.

The problem is even more severe: toxic chemicals available in some food and beverages damage the microbiome, which weakens the immune system and can lead to conditions like depression, anxiety, and insomnia—some of which are considered mental health disorders. These chemicals reduce the population of beneficial microorganisms that produce essential nutrients and neurotransmitters, impacting our overall well-being and emotional balance.

To achieve a younger biological age and keep your body in peak condition—thereby fostering beauty, wellness, and vitality—it’s important to steer clear of anything that could deteriorates your body. This blog provides information for those who want to reverse their biological age and live longer with an excellent health, but it is not medical advice. As an expert, I recommend putting your health in the right hands by seeking out health experts who are knowledgeable about the following:

  • The methods used by Dr. Joe Dispenza, which can cause spontaneous remissions.

  • Bioresonance, an amazing tool to support healing and maintaining good health.

  • The most powerful and efficient healing modality, which is herbal medicine.

Dr. Joe Dispenza's meditations have shown an increase in telomere length in cells, which is associated with anti-aging. Furthermore, bioresonance and herbal nutrients are tools for healing that can be used to support the reversal of biological age, along with infrared light therapy, cold showers, and sauna. In contrast, chemical health products and toxins in GMOs not only deteriorate the body but also promote aging and conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other disorders related to the gut, where most of your neurotransmitters are produced by living organisms that are very vulnerable to toxins and chemicals.

GMOs Are Invading Our Food Supply

Hidden Sources of GMOs

By consuming animal products from animals fed with GMOs, not only are toxic herbicides introduced into the human body—herbicides that Monsanto has acknowledged have a detrimental effect (which is why the company has already set aside $1 billion to pay for future lawsuits)—but also bioengineered organisms can cause negative reactions due to the DNA alteration of the species. This alteration could potentially lead to the production of unintended proteins that might cause unexpected reactions, such as allergenicity or toxicity.

In Europe, GMOs are allowed for animal feed, and the pesticides that the animals eat over their lives can enter the human body when these animals are consumed. Additionally, those foods have a very low nutrient content. Fish, such as salmon, is healthy, and I recommend consuming it even if I am vegetarian because they eat algae or other fish that consume it. The nutrients travel from the algae to the crustaceans, then to the salmon after eating them, and finally to humans. While farmed salmon is fed with GMO soy, corn, and canola—things that do not grow in the seas—isn't that insane?

Additionally, the nutritional content of the animal feed with GMOs as food is greatly reduced. It is not nutritious anymore. It is the most nutritious and healthy option eat an organic meat.

If you want to reverse your biological age and avoid aging diseases, it is important to eat only nutritious foods to provide the body with the tools needed to repair, heal, and regenerate. In conditions such as diabetes, nutrient deficiency is what causes the severity of the conditions, such as cardiovascular problems, eye damage, kidney damage, or neuropathy. All these result from the nutrient deficiency in the areas of the body that need them due to improper distribution because of the high levels of sugar.

So organic foods from animal or vegetable origen are much more nutritious when are organic. Other ingredients that contain GMOs and can enter your body include corn syrup, found in many food products, and maltodextrin, one of the most deteriorating compounds in foods, vitamins, and supplements because cause a huge insulin spike that can lead in long term to conditions as aging, obesity, PCOS, type 2 diabetes, and all those conditions caused by hormonal imbalance including breast cancer. Maltodextrin is mostly made by GMOs.

In the European Union, products containing more than 0.9% GMOs must be labeled as such. However, highly refined products like maltodextrin may not require GMO labeling if the final product no longer contains detectable levels of GM material. The high level of processing maltodextrin undergoes can make it challenging to detect any genetic modification. This complicates the regulation and precise labeling of such additives. However, maltodextrin is one of the most harmful compounds to consume, as it is in a lot of products. Let's talk about maltodextrin and about the most important step for age reversal.

The Most Important Step For Reversing Your Biological Age

Aging disease is a horrible condition where the elderly are unable to live independently anymore. This is a nightmare for both the individuals affected and those who care for them. This condition results from a very atrophied body due to three main reasons: toxins, malnutrition, and the failure to activate the body’s healing and rejuvenating functions. These functions are ONLY active when there is no insulin released into the bloodstream for hours.

This is why biohackers practice intermittent fasting and scientists like David Sinclair, who has a biological age 30 years younger than his chronological age, recommend eating your first meal as late as possible. It is just impossible to reverse your biological age without activating these functions by not eating for hours. When the insulin is tottally diluted, then the body cleans, then rejuvenate and hours later heals. It is even the best to fast for 3 to 7 days.

This is something I have never done for more than 2 days, but I am surrounded by people who have completed fasting periods of 7 to 13 days, which is surprising to me. I eat as late as possible to keep my body rejuvenating because the more time you spend without food, the more intense the maintenance, cleaning, and rejuvenation processes become. When insulin is not released for hours, sirtuin activity increases, growth hormone is released, and autophagy is activated, among other amazing functions. A huge spike in insulin greatly delays or prevents these processes from occurring, causing the body to deteriorate.

Maltodextrin is mainly made from GMOs. It is so processed that it can bypass labeling regulations and is found in many food products, supplements, and beverages. Not only is it toxic, but it also depletes body nutrients and delays the rejuvenating functions of the body. It is a very harmful ingredient for those who want to avoid aging diseases and are working to keep their biological age reduced. Therefore, it is important to avoid all brands that use it and support companies that truly care about your health and the community by producing organic and highly nutritious food products and supplements. They deserve your support!

Maltodextrin acts like sugar in the body, producing a spike in insulin that is twice as large as that caused by sugar. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you need to avoid it. This is also important if you want to prevent obesity, cellulite, cancer, aging, infertility, PCOS, type 2 diabetes, and even baldness. All these conditions result from hormonal imbalances, and insulin is a hormone. Many people believe that type 2 diabetes is a problem due to too much sugar, but it is actually a result of years of excessive insulin production in the body.

It’s crucial to read the ingredients of the products you consume, avoiding corn syrup, vegetable oils, and maltodextrin as much as possible, because they can be from GMOS if the product has not organic or bio labeling. If you want to learn more about my methods for reversing your biological age, you can download my free eBook, which includes the first 60 pages of the book I am writing to help people reverse 10 years of their biological age. Additionally, if my message resonates with you, feel free to book my services. We can schedule a free introductory session to see if we’re a good fit. Just contact me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for reading, you are doing something amazing for your health and feel free to support my project by sharing this article, following on instagram or visiting my store.




I am Cristian Jordan, author of this blog where I am sharing the best habits, products and nutrients, to promote the preservation of your body. 

In this blog is the knowledge you need to reverse and delay aging, extend your healthspan, and almost never get sick.

Join Pranachy to learn more about the lifestyle that allows you to look younger,  boost your beauty, shed excess weight, fortify against diseases, and elevate your vibration and consciousness.

If you are looking for personalized guidance contact me. I have a lot of fun coaching ambitious and committed people.

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