The next secrets of youth going to help you to rejuvenate your body naturally and they going to be the best wrinkles treatment because your body is aging because certain proteins and hormones are no longer produced as before but it is possible to increase them again which will improve your appearance, increase your energy and well-being.
I am a health coach helping people to reduce their body age 10 - 20 years in only one year and next I will share some of my best anti-aging tips for free so feel lucky because my yearly package costs $10,000 and my 6-month package $5000 and next you going to have access to strategic information. Well, let me tell you that those packages included as well, natural supplements and a Chi generator, which are strategic for rejuvenation.
To rejuvenate your body maintenance is a priority and by producing the growth hormone and by activating the longevity genes your cells going to be repairing and embellishing your body. So, the next article is full of habits that will lead you to the production of this hormone and other coenzymes that are important for longevity genes to work like when you are younger. But if you can afford it, I highly recommend you my package, so feel free to write to me at to book a free virtual session with me.

1- Sleep 8 hours in a healthy environment
It is important to sleep in a healthy ecosystem because it is during sleep when your cells repair your body and the environment can hinder their work. This is because your body works with Life force energy, which is called Chi energy.
The Chi energy is in the environment as the air and a low supply of clean Chi energy reduces the vitality of your cells and their potential. Because that is a good idea to have a Chi generator in the bedroom to maintain a revitalizing environment that is optimal for you.
This device produces a continuous pulse of vital energy that is found in natural environments like the forest. This atmosphere revitalizes the cells pretty well and cleans the stagnant energy generated by electromagnetic pollution. Also, plants help by cleaning the air and producing abundant oxygen, both beneficial for your organism. Here is a list of plants for home and office that strongly clean the air, electrosmog, and produce abundant oxygen.
Another strategic device that will help to produce an excellent environment in the bedroom is a Negative Ion Generator. These devices produce negative ions whose health benefits are:
- Deep sleep
- Healthy digestion
- Enhance immune function
- Purify the blood
- Neutralize free radicals
- Revitalize cell metabolism - Balance the autonomic nervous system
A negative ionizer cleans the air which is great for the physical body but a Life Force generator purifies the vital energy what is very important to maintain the Spirit healthy.

2 - Drink Living Water
The water that most of the people drink is dead. When the liquid is without movement becomes acid with a horrible structure, in this state its benefits for the organism are greatly reduced. To maintain a healthy and young skin drinking High-quality water is extremely important and in this article I wrote, is shown to create the best water to drink, check it out !
Many people drink a lot of water during the day to stay healthy, but the quality of the water they drink is very bad and most of the water available contains Chlorine which increases the risk of breast and prostate cancer, some of the most common cancers worldwide. To avoid it read this other article I wrote with 10 tips to cure and prevent cancer naturally.
The properties of water found in a river are not 10% more than the properties of the tap water, they are about 1000% more beneficial to the body, the difference is really huge. This is because water attracts and stores the Life force from the environment and it is accumulated in the liquid, while the water most people drink is dead without life force energy.
Because of this, it is important to use a water optimizer to saturate the water you drink with vital energy that will maintain a beautiful molecular structure and the environment beneficial for the existence of healthy bacteria from your gut that normally is killed by the fluoride and chlorine that water contains in some countries. In cities like Berlin, Germany the water is free of those toxic elements that are Endocrine disruptors as well, which is harmful to the body.
The water optimizer cleans the toxic frequencies that water stores from the environment and saturates the beverages with Life energy. As a result, its structure becomes beautiful and it increases the benefits for the organism. Also, fruits store Life force energy and other food that contains water. So, it is optimal if this device is on 24 hours in the kitchen to keep a healthy environment, free of the stagnant energy produced by the Electromagnetic pollution.

3 - Maintain a daily meditation practice
This tip and the next one are related to the telomeres which are the corners of your chromosomes that reduce their sizes with each cell division until is done and then you die.
So these activities can increase the size of your telomeres as well as some supplements with natural extracts as this one that contains trans-resveratrol as well, which is some of the best anti-aging polyphenols, which should be taken in the morning, preferably with only yogurt.
A study found increased production of telomerase following intensive meditation. Telomerase helps to rebuild and lengthen telomeres after cells divide. This study showed that just 15 minutes of daily meditation helps with telomerase production. Another study found that Zen meditators with extensive meditation experience have telomeres that are 10 percent longer than people who were of a similar age and who lived a similar lifestyle but who had never meditated.
Well, meditation is a spiritual practice that makes your Spirit grow. This is the invisible area of your body and daily spiritual training is the most important activity to maintain the whole body youth and beautiful. When the spirit is healthy and bright a person looks beautiful and young but if a person has a dark and unhealthy spirit aging is reflected, the cells use the light of the spirit to perform all its functions and meditation is the easiest method to introduce this light.
When thoughts stop, light is attracted naturally, as digestion happens after eating. The practice of meditation reinvest the aging process and maintains the body healthy and young.
If you have never meditated and want to start, I recommend this flagship meditation training with unlimited access for free to the first 3 days of mindfulness video training where you can learn two powerful techniques to practice on your own.
4 - Visualize very long-term goals and enjoy life
There is a very important part of the chromosome called telomeres, which is a repeating sequence of double-stranded DNA located at the ends of chromosomes. Each time a cell divides the telomeres become shorter. Eventually, the telomeres become so short that the cell no longer divides. Long telomere lengths are related to greater longevity, while shorter lengths are related to aging diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease.
Having long term goals and truly enjoying life is a good method to lengthen your telomeres, turning back the internal clock in these cells by the equivalent of many years of human life. It is scientifically proven that helps the growth of the telomeres and thus the years of life are increased in a person. Therefore, visualizations about yourself in the future will help a lot, as well as planning and imaging long-term goals during the meditation or before sleep.
Also, enjoying life to the fullest makes the telomeres grow a bit more. On the other hand, when a person hates life and what does, the telomeres shorten and the period of life is minimized. It is scientifically proven that depression, stress, and hatred shorten the person's life, causing aging as a consequence.
The cure for depression is spiritual training, and the best method is meditation or Yoga, however, electromagnetic pollution causes depression, anxiety, and fatigue. This is why creating a healthy environment in the places where we spend most of the time is very important. As well as eating the right nutrients as I am explaining in this article where I am sharing natural herbs that help to reduce depression because of the nutrients they contain.

5 - Incorporate the following foods into your diet
It is crucial to eat different types of fruits and vegetables every day to maintain youth, and beautiful skin even if you don´t use these golden Masks, because they help the production of collagen. They must be organic because GMOs are vegetables and fruits with less nutrition content infested with pesticides that your body needs to release out which generates unnecessary work that your cells need to do generating wear.
Which are the best anti-aging food to include in your diet ?
Pomegranates, Berries, Broccoli, Walnuts, Salmon, Figs, Mushrooms, Olive oil, Ginger, Avocado, Spinach, tomatoes, papaya, and Kale
Pomegranate is full of polyphenols, which are chemicals that are powerful antioxidants. It contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit and three times more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranate can help remove free radicals, protect cells from damage, and reduce inflammation. It may lower your risk of health disease, improve your memory and physical performance.
Goji berries
Goji berries have a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) score of 3,290. This rating indicates the quantity of antioxidants in certain foods. The ORAC score of goji berries is much higher than the scores for bananas (795) and apples (2,828), but slightly less than the scores of blackberries (4,669) and raspberries (5,065).
Consuming a wide range of foods high in antioxidants is thought to help protect against premature aging. Antioxidants like those in goji berries may help fight aging by preventing free radicals from damaging collagen in the skin. Some small studies have also shown that goji berry extract may help delay the aging process in cells.
The antioxidant content of broccoli may be one of its main boons for human health. Broccoli has high levels of glucoraphanin, a compound that is converted into a potent antioxidant called sulforaphane during digestion. Antioxidants are molecules that inhibit or neutralize cell damage caused by free radicals, reduce inflammation with overall health-protective effects.
Nuts are antioxidant powerhouses. Antioxidants, including the polyphenols in nuts, can combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals, which unstable molecules that may cause cell damage and increase disease risk. One study found that walnuts have a greater capacity to fight free radicals than fish. Research shows that the antioxidants in walnuts and almonds can protect the delicate fats in your cells from being damaged by oxidation.
Keep in mind that it is better to buy them in the markets and leave them in your kitchen close to a water optimizer if you have one to be charging of Life energy as they are in nature. Also, avoid using microwave ovens and do not overcook the vegetables except that you do it in water and then you drink it as in the case of preparing soups because most of the nutrients remain in the water.
6 - Drink often the next anti-aging and natural teas
The next herbs contain powerful antioxidants that will keep your body in perfect condition if you drink them often. But do not buy them in boxes which are of very poor quality tea, I highly recommended you to buy them from herbalists. In this article, I wrote about the best teas that you should consume for health but as well some good anti-aging herbs are below:
It has more antioxidants than many other popular health foods like blueberries, leafy greens, and nuts. Matcha tea is the most antioxidant dense superfood on earth. Including matcha in your diet could increase your antioxidant intake, which may help prevent cell damage and even lower your risk of several chronic diseases.
Since Matcha is a powder made from the ground up tea leaves, the antioxidants are not only more prevalent but also more concentrated, which makes a big difference when it comes to the anti-aging benefits.
Jiaogulan is called the immortality herb for good reason. It was originally brought to scientific attention because population studies revealed that those who consumed it regularly were living longer and significantly healthier lives. Researchers believe that the main reason for this general benefit is that it contains two very important antioxidants – glutathione and superoxide dismutase.
One clinical study revealed that Jiaogulan taken each day for a two-month period reduced many of the signs of aging including fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, and poor balance.
Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea. It’s made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, the same plant used to make green tea and black tea. The difference is in how the tea is processed. Drinking oolong tea can greatly slow down the aging process, so it’s a great anti-aging tool. The antioxidants found in oolong are essential for vibrant, and youthful skin.
The antioxidants found in oolong tea may help keep your teeth and bones strong. Those who consistently drink Oolong tea are less likely to lose their bone mineral density, helping retain minerals from healthy foods consumed. It improves memory and weight loss.
Rooibos tea contains superoxide dismutase, which has anti-aging properties and helps to slow down the development of wrinkles. Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme that works to produce healthy skin cells that keep you looking young longer. This enzyme works alongside other antioxidants in rooibos tea to fight free radicals that can accelerate the aging process.
In a 28-day clinical study, a formula of tea and rooibos demonstrated almost a 10 percent improvement in the look of fine lines and wrinkles. Rooibos tea offers a soothing effect, thereby reducing irritation and redness resulting in more even-toned skin. Rooibos tea also contains zinc, which has shown the potential to help treat common skin conditions.
Hibiscus tea is rich in powerful antioxidants and may therefore help prevent damage and disease caused by the buildup of free radicals. In one study in rats, hibiscus extract increased the number of antioxidant enzymes and reduced the harmful effects of free radicals by up to 92%
Due to the high levels of antioxidants, studies have shown that drinking 2 – 3 cups of Hibiscus tea a day helps rid the body of free radicals, reversing the effects of aging, protect against heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

7 - Take these natural supplements often
The next herbs help to extend the life span, repair, and rejuvenate the organism. In many communities in China, people live for many years because they consume these plants that I recommend you to consume for long periods of time for better results, they are mostly safe if you are not pregnant. I wrote this other article with more powerful supplements with anti-aging benefits that are not included below, then I invite you to check it out as well !
What really puts Chlorella in the spotlight of health and wellness is a component contained called Chlorella Growth Factor, or CGF. Chlorella Growth Factor is the secret ingredient for why chlorella can multiply its cells by 4 every 20-24 hours. Chlorella Growth Factor can only be found in the chlorella algae. Chlorella Growth Factor is contained within the nucleus of each chlorella cell. CGF is made up of nucleic acids DNA and RNA, which can support cellular health and regeneration.
In Japan, Professor Michinori Kimura found levels of 10% RNA and 3% DNA in chlorella, which would make it the nutrient richest in nucleic acids. Used regularly, Chlorella would help repair damaged genetic material in human cells, thereby protecting the health and slowing the aging process.
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), fo-ti has been used in longevity tonics to ward off aging. This herb contains an alkaloid that has rejuvenating effects on the nerves, brain cells and endocrine glands. It stimulates a portion of the adrenal gland and helps to detoxify the body. Fo-ti root in capsules is used for fatigue, immune dysfunction and to treat premature aging, particularly premature grey hair.
It’s also been used to treat a variety of skin problems, Fo-ti extracts are used in creams and ointments for skin conditions.
These mushrooms are known as “the mushroom of immortality” for good reason. They promote health and longevity, boosting the immune system, and reducing the risk of life-shortening conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Studies have shown that Reishi mushrooms supplements can help manage some of today’s most troubling age-related conditions, including autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, liver disease, cancer, and more. Researchers have identified three specific compounds that are essential to Reishi’s powerful antioxidant and antiaging effects:
Polysaccharides have anticancer effects based on their ability to prevent abnormal blood vessel formation and to boost immune system function.
Triterpenes protect the liver, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent platelet clumping that leads to heart attack and stroke, fight allergic responses triggered by histamine, and also possess anticancer activity.
Ganoderma lucidum peptide is a unique protein that has remarkably potent antioxidant characteristics that are still being unraveled.
What makes Reishi mushroom beneficial to so many varied aspects of your health is its actions on many different targets in the body. These actions triggered by Reishi mushrooms produce important changes that may contribute to their promotion of longevity. Reishi extracts are known for:
- Reduce the oxidation of cell membranes and organelles that lead to aging.
- Protect mitochondrial DNA and the mitochondria themselves from oxidant damage.
- Increase expression of a key longevity gene and promote an increased life span.
- Protect cellular DNA from oxidant damage that causes aging and cancer.

8 - Do intense aerobic exercises
You do not need to spend too much time in the gym to rejuvenate the body, it is the opposite because by stressing your organism is created Cortisol that boosts insulin which blocks the Growth Hormone. I am using the word intense to describe a very intense activity during short periods of time. 1 minute is enough 3 or 6 times but during those periods you going to really accelerate your body as much as you can, this way of training has anti-aging effects.
It is better to run only 10 minutes using this technique than running for 30 minutes at the same speed. By running or swimming as fastest as you can and then slowing down the speed by increasing it again you going to activate the production of NDA+ which is the fuel your genes of longevity need to be active in your body and it going to accelerate the production of growth hormone as well. By lifting weight the growth hormone is increased as well but having long walks is important to maintain good health.
9 - Practice intermittent fasting
This is a great method to increase the production of growth hormone in the body which is stoped when your organism produces insulin after eating anything. Growth Hormones help your body to build muscles, to maintain a beautiful skin, and rejuvenate overall.
What is intermittent fasting ?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates fasting and eating that reduces the production of insulin and increases the growth hormone bringing a lot of benefits to the body and anti-aging effects. During the fasting period, the person does not eat anything at all.
Intermittent fasting switches on DNA-repair genes that help reduce inflammation in the body. This helps the skin to heal and repair as cells are renewed more rapidly. Plus production of a hormone called somatropin increases, helping to minimize wrinkles and fine lines.

10 - Cultivate the energy through sex
Most people ignore that a part of our bodies is invisible and many diseases people have is because of having an unhealthy spirit, which is like an egg of light around the physical body and it is not exactly the aura. Well, when a couple is conceiving a baby a lot of energy is produced that going to be transmitted to the baby but it could be accumulated in the body of the couple by avoiding the male orgasm and the cells can use it to rejuvenate the whole body and maintain it in excellent conditions.
The sexual intercourse is the best spiritual practice, it is not possible to store so much light in the spirit with another exercise or ritual. When a couple is one large amounts of light are produced and the couple could store it inside.
This is well known to Kabbalists and Taoists because it is the fastest way to enlighten, which is the same as toning the spirit and making it completely bright. This can only be achieved by cultivating light in the body. When the Spirit of the couple is full of light, life becomes awesome and magical as well.
If you are interested in knowing more about the subject, I suggest you read the book I wrote at the beginning of 2020 talking about the topic fascinating, it is some of the best guides I read about Spirituality, which is a rather misunderstood term for many people.
Extra tip:
Taking a cold shower every morning will maintain the body strong, healthy, and young as well, but also hot showers at night are strategic because the vapor generated by the hot water produces negative ions that are healthy for the organism.
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